Rational Enterprise

Understanding Colorado’s Consumer Protections for Artificial Intelligence Act

On May 17, 2024, the state of Colorado took a significant step in regulating artificial intelligence (AI) with the signing of the Consumer Protections for Artificial Intelligence Act. This bill, which goes into effect on February 1, 2026, aims to protect consumers by ensuring that high-risk AI systems operate without causing algorithmic discrimination. As businesses […]

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What Is Information Governance? A Complete Introduction

What Is Information Governance? A Complete Introduction

Today’s organizations handle an overwhelming amount of data, including emails, documents, databases, images, videos, social media platforms IoT feeds, etc. Effective data management is needed for maintaining compliance, mitigating risks, and unlocking the value of data assets. And information governance is key to achieving these objectives. Although many executives recognize the need for information governance, […]

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Corporate eDiscovery Policy: Best Practices for Effective Implementation

Corporate eDiscovery Policy: Best Practices for Effective Implementation

Chief Legal Officers (CLOs) are increasingly tasked with creating robust eDiscovery policies to mitigate legal risks and ensure compliance. Consider Sarah, a newly appointed CLO at a multinational corporation. Under a directive from the CEO, Sarah was responsible for crafting a comprehensive Corporate eDiscovery Policy to shield the company from potential litigation risks. Challenges in […]

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The Crucial Role of Data Discovery Solutions in Achieving Compliance with State-Level Privacy Regulations

The Crucial Role of Data Discovery Solutions in Achieving Compliance with State-Level Privacy Regulations

In recent years, a patchwork of state-level privacy regulations has emerged across the United States, presenting a significant challenge for organizations striving to maintain compliance. Amidst this regulatory complexity, the need for a comprehensive data inventory has become more pressing than ever. However, relying on manual efforts alone to create and maintain such an inventory […]

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A Comprehensive Approach To Unstructured Information Governance: Leveraging Legacy Data Cleanup For Informed Classification

A Comprehensive Approach To Unstructured Information Governance: Leveraging Legacy Data Cleanup For Informed Classification

As an information governance technology vendor, we have had the privilege of working with corporations of different sizes on implementing governance across their unstructured data. One common question that arises during these engagements is where to start: Should businesses focus on tackling legacy data cleanup first, or should they prioritize setting up rules and controls […]

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What is Legal Hold? Essential Concepts and Significance

What is Legal Hold? Essential Concepts and Significance

Legal hold, also known as litigation hold or preservation order, is a crucial component of the legal process in both the United States and the United Kingdom. It refers to the obligation to preserve all relevant information, including documents, electronic data, and other records, that may be pertinent to ongoing or anticipated legal proceedings. In […]

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Practical Techniques for Identifying Sensitive Data in Legacy Content: A Guide for Information Managers

Practical Techniques for Identifying Sensitive Data in Legacy Content: A Guide for Information Managers

Cleaning up legacy content, often referred to as ROT (redundant, obsolete, or trivial data), is a critical task for information managers. However, one of the biggest challenges they face is identifying and managing sensitive data within large repositories. With limited resources and time constraints, it’s impractical to manually review every file for sensitive content. In […]

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How To Prevent And Manage Data ROT: Practical Guidelines

How To Prevent And Manage Data ROT: Practical Guidelines

In a data-driven world, managing and safeguarding your organization’s data is critical. One of the challenges that can compromise your data’s integrity is the phenomenon known as “data ROT” – Redundant, Outdated, and Trivial data. In this article, we will explore why Data ROT could be a cause of concern and provide practical guidelines to […]

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How Machine Learning Can Help Your Records Management Practice

How Machine Learning Can Help Your Records Management Practice

Managing records efficiently and effectively is crucial for organizations of all sizes. With the exponential growth of digital information, traditional records management practices are often overwhelmed. However, machine learning has emerged as a game-changer in the field of records management, offering innovative solutions to streamline processes, and improve compliance. Automated Classification and Tagging One of […]

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What Is Information Classification? How It Works & Benefits

What Is Information Classification? How It Works & Benefits

Information classification is a fundamental aspect of effective information management within organizations. In today’s digital age, where data is generated and stored at an unprecedented rate, the need to accurately classify information has become more crucial than ever before. From sales and marketing to legal and information security, nearly every stakeholder within an organization has […]

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Data Privacy Laws State By State: U.S. State Privacy Laws

Data Privacy Laws State By State: U.S. State Privacy Laws

In an era where data has become the lifeblood of business, safeguarding personal information has become a top concern. With the absence of a comprehensive federal regulation, states across the United States have taken matters into their own hands by enacting their own data privacy laws. This article overviews a few select data privacy laws […]

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Information Governance Framework: Definition And Examples

Information Governance Framework: Definition And Examples

Information governance has been a cornerstone of successful businesses for years, ensuring the efficient and effective use of data to realize organizational objectives. Central to this approach is an information governance framework, a strategy that guides how businesses manage their critical data. This blog post will explain the definition of this framework and provide real-world […]

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California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): Compliance, Responsibilities, And Obligations

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): Compliance, Responsibilities, And Obligations

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) represents a pivotal milestone in the realm of data privacy legislation in the United States. Since its enactment in June 2018, this groundbreaking law has bestowed California residents with greater control over their personal information while simultaneously imposing substantial obligations on businesses that handle such data. In this article, […]

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5 Types Of Information Classification And Their Examples

5 Types Of Information Classification And Their Examples

Managing and safeguarding information has become paramount for organizations of all sizes. However, before organizations can hope to protect their data, they must know what they have. Classifying company information is the foundation of knowing what protections to put into place, and where. Some classification systems can be quite complex, such as a records schedule […]

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2023 New US Data Privacy Protection Laws And What They Mean For You

2023 New US Data Privacy Protection Laws And What They Mean For You

As data privacy continues to be a growing concern, 2023 saw significant developments in data privacy protection laws across the United States. From new legislation coming into effect to proposed bills, businesses are facing a changing landscape when it comes to managing and protecting consumer data. In this article, we’ll explore the key data privacy […]

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5 Information Governance Best Practices For Successful Implementation

5 Information Governance Best Practices For Successful Implementation

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, information governance has emerged as a crucial tool to ensure the effective management and security of data. Yet, crafting a successful information governance strategy is no mean feat. By homing in on best practices, organizations can navigate the world of data regulation and management with confidence. Here, we discuss […]

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Why Real-Time Data Monitoring Matters For Your Organization Or Business

Why Real-Time Data Monitoring Matters For Your Organization Or Business

In an era where information flows continuously and decisions must be made quickly, having real-time insights into operations and systems can be the difference between success and failure. Real-time data monitoring involves tracking and analyzing data as it’s generated, allowing for immediate response to any anomalies, trends, or opportunities. This proactive approach is essential for […]

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Why Data Security in the Healthcare Industry Is a Non-Negotiable Priority

Why Data Security in the Healthcare Industry Is a Non-Negotiable Priority

In the healthcare industry, safeguarding patient data is a matter of life and death. With the increasing digitization of medical records and the rise of cyber threats, data security has become a non-negotiable priority for healthcare organizations. In this article, we’ll explore the critical importance of data security in the healthcare industry and the measures […]

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What Is HITECH Compliance & How Do You Ensure Your Business Meets The Requirements?

What Is HITECH Compliance & How Do You Ensure Your Business Meets The Requirements?

HITECH compliance is critical in the healthcare industry, where protecting patient data is not just a priority but a legal requirement. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act expands the reach of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), placing stricter enforcement on the security and privacy of electronic health records. […]

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What Is Considered Sensitive Data and Why Does It Matter?

What Is Considered Sensitive Data and Why Does It Matter?

Today, where data collection and storage are widespread, it is essential for businesses, government entities, and individuals to understand the significance of sensitive data. The concept of sensitive data encompasses a variety of information types, each carrying potential risks if mishandled. This article uncovers the nuances of confidential data, highlighting its importance and the need […]

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What Is Data-Centric Security And Why Does It Matter?

What Is Data-Centric Security And Why Does It Matter?

In contrast to traditional information security approaches, data-centric security shifts the focus from securing networks and devices to protecting the data itself, regardless of its location. Data-centric security encompasses a range of practices, including encryption, access control, and data masking, aimed at ensuring that confidential information remains safe even if perimeter defenses are breached. This […]

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What Are The Data Classification Levels? A Beginner's Overview

What Are The Data Classification Levels? A Beginner’s Overview

Data is as valuable as currency these days, so understanding data classification levels is vital for any organization that seeks to manage its data efficiently and securely. Data classification levels serve as a framework for organizing data based on its sensitivity, value, and criticality to an organization. This guide provides a beginner’s overview of these […]

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What Is Data Accuracy? Your Guide To Error-Free Data Handling

What Is Data Accuracy? Your Guide To Error-Free Data Handling

Data accuracy is the cornerstone of effective business decisions and legal processes. In an era where information is king, ensuring the precision and reliability of your data is a necessity. This concept becomes even more significant when it comes to Information Governance and eDiscovery, where the stakes are high, and the margins for error are minimal. […]

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Understanding Data Access Management: Concepts And Best Practices

Understanding Data Access Management: Concepts And Best Practices

Managing access to data is more than a technical necessity; it’s a strategic imperative. Data access governance plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the right people have the right access to the right data at the right time. This process involves a combination of policies, procedures, and technologies designed to manage and monitor data […]

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Businessman Checking Invoice With Magnifying

The Significance Of File Auditing For Regulatory Compliance

Data management and security are highly important and file auditing has emerged as a key practice for organizations seeking to establish a solid foundation in it. This process involves the systematic review and tracking of file access and modifications. Then, it provides an audit trail that can be crucial for various compliance requirements. This article […]

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What Is Data Access Governance And Why Is It Important?

What Is Data Access Governance And Why Is It Important?

Data access governance stands as a critical component in modern organizational operations. It encompasses the policies, procedures, and technologies employed to manage and monitor who has access to what data within an organization. This governance formulates a controlled environment where access to data is not just a matter of permission but also of relevance and […]

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Hacker reach for unprotected computer

How To Prevent Data Breaches: 4 Essential Strategies

In a world where digital data is constantly exchanged, understanding how to prevent data breaches is not just important; it’s a necessity for any organization. Data breaches can lead to significant financial losses, damage to reputation, and legal repercussions. They happen due to various reasons, including weak security measures, human error, and sophisticated cyber-attacks. Implementing Robust Cybersecurity […]

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Supervised Vs. Unsupervised Machine Learning: What’s the difference?

The choice between supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms comes down to what you are trying to accomplish. This article explores the distinctions between these two approaches and when it is appropriate to use one or the other. Introduction to Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Machine learning, a subfield of artificial intelligence, empowers computers to […]

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What Is A Data Classification Matrix & How Do You Create One For Your Organization?

What Is A Data Classification Matrix & How Do You Create One For Your Organization?

A data classification matrix is a systematic approach to categorizing and labeling data based on its level of sensitivity, confidentiality, and importance. This matrix is crucial for any organization dealing with large volumes of data, ensuring that each piece of information is handled appropriately. The categorization usually ranges from public or non-sensitive data to highly confidential […]

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Personally identifiable information (PII)

Sensitive Data Vs. Personal Data: Understanding The Distinction

When it comes to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Understanding the difference between ‘sensitive data’ and ‘personal data’ is crucial for effective data management and protection. This article aims to clarify the distinction between sensitive data and personal data, shedding light on their unique characteristics and the importance of correctly identifying each type. Grasping […]

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